Post Op Care

Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry
Postoperative Instructions

  • Be carful not to inadvertently bite or chew soft tissues (lip, tongue, cheek) that are still “numb.”
  • Refrain from sticky, hard or chewy types of foods during the temporary stage.
  • Take Tylenol, aspirin or Advil (ibuprofen) as directed for postoperative discomfort. You may be given a prescription to have filled (at a pharmacy) if needed.
  • Use salt-water rinse (1/2-teaspoon salt to 8-oz warm water) for 1-2 minutes 3 times per day for 4 days.
  • Starting the day after the preparation appointment, brush and floss the temporary area more than normal during the period of temporization. (When flossing, pull the floss out longways – flossing up or down could pull the crown off).
  • The teeth may be more sensitive during the temporary stage.
  • If the temporary happens to come off, call our office for an appointment to recement.
  • Call our office if you have a question or problem.

Take Home Whitening Care Instructions

  • Trays should be loaded with 1 small bullet of gel in each tooth compartment. Each syringe has 6 treatment doses (or 3 total bleaching sessions) Remove excess gel. Whiten results occur when bleaching is completed in consecutive days. After bleaching or desensitizing each time rinse tray with lukewarm water and brush out to remove gel.
  • To open bleach, rotate end stopper of tube 1/4 turn counter clockwise and pull off. Insert tip and 1/4 turn clockwise. when storing reinsert stopper to seal.
  • Bleach wear times –
    Opalescense 10% gel may be worn overnight
    Opalescense 20% gel should be worn only 2 hours
    Opalescense 35% gel may be worn 30 minutes once a day
    Zoom 16% gel should be worn 4 hours although overnight is best
    Zoom 22% may be worn 1-2 hours once or twice per day
  • If you experience sensitivity, decrease wear time. The treatment should be uninterrupted, use for consecutive days.
  • The next 48 hours are important in enhancing and maximizing your whitening results for a long lasting, bright, and healthy smile. Dark stining substances should be avoided such as: coffee, tea, tobaco, ketchup, cola, red wine, sory sauce, berries and red sauces. This is also true during each time you use bleaching trays.
  • Please store your models you received for future dental needs.
  • All bleaching requires maintenance. If you consume dark beverages, you may need to touch up monthly. For best results bleach every 4-6 months and touch up on evenings of your cleaning. Using an automated toothbrush such as Sonicarre will help remove stain and maintain a healthy smile.
  • Store bleach in refrigerator.
  • Benefits of NiteWhite ACP
    Rebuilding Enamel-creates a new coating of hydroxyapatite over the original tooth surface
    Aids in Caries Prevention – ACP rebuilds enamel through remineralization and is proven to slow cavity formation
    Sensitivity Relieft
    Longer Lasting Results – patients experienced less fadeback 6 months post-treatment


Zoom! Smile Care Insturctions

  • Satin finish – please apply the remaining gel to bleach trays today to desensitize. Please use for 30 minutes to a maximum of overnight depending on your sensitivity.
  • Optional – vitamin E provided may be brushed onto the gums or tooth surfaces that are sensitive.
  • The next 48 hours are important in enhancing and maximizing your whitening results for a long lasting, bright, and healthy smile. Dark stining substances should be avoided such as: coffee, tea, tobaco, ketchup, cola, red wine, sory sauce, berries and red sauces. This is also true during each time you use bleaching trays.
  • For best results, starting tomorrow and for 4-7 additional days, sue bleach trays to enhance and “lock” your new shade. Trays should be loaded with 1 small bullet of gel in each tooth compartment. Each syringe has 6 treatment doses (or 3 total bleaching sessions). Remove excess gel. whiter results occur when bleaching is completed in consecutive days. After desensitizing or bleaching each time rinse tray with cold water and brush out to remove gel.
  • Bleach wear times –
    Opalescense 10% gel may be worn overnight
    Zoom 16% gel should be worn 4 hours although overnight is best
    Zoom 22% may be worn 1-2 hours once or twice per day
    If you experience sensitivity, decrease wear time.
  • Please store your models you received for future dental needs.
  • All bleaching requires maintenance, for best results bleach every 6 months. If you consume dark beverages, you may need to touch up monthly. Using an automated toothbrush such as Sonicare will help remove stain and maintain a healthy smile.
  • Store bleach in refrigerator.
  • Drink a lot of water today to rehydrate the teeth.


Root Planing and Scaling Care Instructions

You have just made the first step in keeping a healthy mouth and decreasing the chances of serious health problems associated with periodontal disease. By removing plaque and calculous on the root surfaces, it helps the gum tissue heal tightly back around the teeth.

  • Take advil as directed for discomfort.
  • Daily cleaning including flossing is imparative to fight gum disease. It is a chronic condition that requires teamwork from you and your dental professional.
  • Use salt-water rinse or other rinse prescribed nightly
  • Attend dental exams and cleanings. The frequency may be altered depending on your response to treatment and oral hygine habits.
  • Call our office if you have any questions or concerns.